Brahma Command Line Parser
/* Simple commandline argument parser written by Ananth B. */ static class CommandLine { public class Switch // Class that encapsulates switch data. { public Switch(string name, Action<IEnumerable<string>> handler, string shortForm) { Name = name; Handler = handler; ShortForm = shortForm; }
public Switch(string name, Action<IEnumerable<string>> handler) { Name = name; Handler = handler; ShortForm = null; } public string Name { get; private set; } public string ShortForm { get; private set; } public Action<IEnumerable<string>> Handler { get; private set; } public int InvokeHandler(string[] values) { Handler(values); return 1; } } /* The regex that extracts names and comma-separated values for switches in the form (<switch>[="value 1",value2,.
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Linq to GPU (Brahma)
// Create a data-parallel array and fill it with data var data = new DataParallelArray<float>(computationProvider, new[] { 0f, 1f, 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f, 6f }); // Compile the query CompiledQuery query = computationProvider.Compile<DataParallelArray<float>> ( d => from value in d select value * 2f ); // Run the query on this data IQueryable result = computationProvider.Run(query, data); // Print out the results foreach (float value in result) Console.WriteLine(value); // Get rid of all the stuff we created computationProvider.
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.NET 4.0 New Feature - Memory Mapped File
.NET Framework 在 4.0 新增了記憶體對應檔案(Memory Mapped File)功能,將以前需透過 API 才能使用的功能包在 .NET Framework 的 System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles 命名空間中,可用以編輯大小極大的檔案、減少IO的存取次數、提高檔案處理的效能、與在多個處理序中共享其內容。
保存的記憶體對應檔案 非保存的記憶體對應檔案 保存的記憶體對應檔案顧名思義其記憶體對應檔案的內容會與磁碟中的檔案做對應,可將檔案內容放至記憶體對應檔案中用以處理極大的檔案,當處理完畢資料會自動回存回對應檔案。
使用上是透過 MemoryMappedFile 類別內含的 CreateNew、 CreateOrOpen、與 CreateFromFile 等方法來建立記憶體對應檔案物件。
Method Description CreateNew 建立非保存的記憶體對應檔案物件 CreateOrOpen 建立或開啟非保存的記憶體對應檔案物件 CreateFromFile 建立保存的記憶體對應檔案物件 若是有已建好的記憶體對應檔案,也可以透過 MemoryMappedFile 類別內含的 OpenExisting 方法將已經建立好的記憶體對應檔案物件開啟。
資料流存取檢視 隨機存取檢視 資料流存取檢視透過 MemoryMappedFile.CreateViewStream 建立,採循序存取的方式處理資料,適用於非保存的記憶體對應檔案。
隨機存取檢視透過 MemoryMappedFile.CreateViewAccessor 建立,採隨機存取的方式處理資料,適用於保存的記憶體對應檔案。
Imports System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles Imports System.Collections.Specialized Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary Module Module1 Sub Main() Const capacity As Integer = 512 Const mmfKey As String = "Larry" Dim levelUpBlog As New Blog With {.
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使用Extension Method計算漢字筆畫
public static int GetStrokesNumber(this char c) { String hex = BitConverter.ToString(Encoding.GetEncoding("Big5").GetBytes(new char[] { c })).Replace("-", string.Empty); for (int i = 0; i < _strokesNumberData.Length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < _strokesNumberData[i].Length; j += 2) { if (hex.CompareTo(_strokesNumberData[i][j]) >= 0 && hex.CompareTo(_strokesNumberData[i][j + 1]) <= 0) return i+1; } } return 0; } }</pre></div> Module CharExtension
Private _strokesNumberData As String()() = { _ New String() {"A440", "A441"}, _ New String() {"A442", "A453", "C940", "C944"}, _ New String() {"A454", "A47E", "C945", "C94C"}, _ New String() {"A4A1", "A4FD", "C94D", "C95C"}, _ New String() {"A4FE", "A5DF", "C95D", "C9AA"}, _ New String() {"A5E0", "A6E9", "C9AB", "C959"}, _ New String() {"A6EA", "A8C2", "CA5A", "CBB0"}, _ New String() {"A8C3", "AB44", "CBB1", "CDDC"}, _ New String() {"AB45", "ADBB", "CDDD", "D0C7", "F9DA", "F9DA"}, _ New String() {"ADBC", "B0AD", "D0C8", "D44A"}, _ New String() {"B0AE", "B3C2", "D44B", "D850"}, _ New String() {"B3C3", "B6C3", "D851", "DCB0", "F9DB", "F9DB"}, _ New String() {"B6C4", "B9AB", "DCB1", "E0EF", "F9D6", "F9D8"}, _ New String() {"B9AC", "BBF4", "E0F0", "E4E5"}, _ New String() {"BBF5", "BEA6", "E4E6", "E8F3", "F9DC", "F9DC"}, _ New String() {"BEA7", "C074", "E8F4", "ECB8", "F9D9", "F9D9"}, _ New String() {"C075", "C24E", "ECB9", "EFB6"}, _ New String() {"C24F", "C35E", "EFB7", "F1EA"}, _ New String() {"C35F", "C454", "F1EB", "F3FC"}, _ New String() {"C455", "C4D6", "F3FD", "F5BF"}, _ New String() {"C3D7", "C56A", "F5C0", "F6D5"}, _ New String() {"C56B", "C5C7", "F6D6", "F7CF"}, _ New String() {"C5C8", "C5C7", "F6D6", "F7CF"}, _ New String() {"C5F1", "C654", "F8A5", "F8ED"}, _ New String() {"C655", "C664", "F8E9", "F96A"}, _ New String() {"C665", "C66B", "F96B", "F9A1"}, _ New String() {"C66C", "C675", "F9A2", "F9B9"}, _ New String() {"C676", "C67A", "F9BA", "F9C5"}, _ New String() {"C67B", "C67E", "F9C6", "F9DC"}} <Extension()> _ Public Function GetStrokesNumber(ByVal c As Char) As Integer Dim hex As [String] = BitConverter.
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.NET 4.0 New Feature - Generic Lazy class
namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Lazy<Boolean> lazy = new Lazy<Boolean>(() => { Console.WriteLine(“Initializing…”); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); Console.WriteLine(“Initialized…”); return true; });
Console.WriteLine("IsValueCreated = {0}", lazy.IsValueCreated); Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Console.WriteLine("result = {0}", lazy.Value); //Console.WriteLine("result = {0}", lazy.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed Time = {0} ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 50)); Console.WriteLine("IsValueCreated = {0}", lazy.IsValueCreated); sw.Restart(); Console.WriteLine("result = {0}", lazy.Value); //Console.WriteLine("result = {0}", lazy.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed Time = {0} ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } } }
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[VB.NET]用Extension Method移除控制項
Public Module ControlExtension
#Region “Public Method” <Extension()> _ Public Sub Remove(ByVal ctrl As Control) Dim parent As Control = ctrl.Parent If parent Is Nothing Then Return End If parent.Controls.Remove(ctrl) End Sub #End Region
End Module
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.NET 4.0 New Feature - Complex
Sub Main() ShowDetail("Complex.Zero", Complex.Zero) ShowDetail("Complex.One", Complex.One) Dim c1 As New Complex(1, 2) Dim c2 As New Complex(3, 4) ShowDetail("C1", c1) ShowDetail("C2", c2) 'Complex +-*/ Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", c1, c2, c1 + c2) Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} = {2}", c1, c2, c1 - c2) Console.WriteLine("{0} * {1} = {2}", c1, c2, c1 * c2) Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} = {2}", c1, c2, c1 / c2) Console.WriteLine() Console.WriteLine("Complex.Add({0}, {1}) = {2}", c1, c2, Complex.
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