rush - A cross-platform command-line tool for executing jobs in parallel
rush 是一跨平台的命令列工具,能用來並行指定的命令。
rush -- a cross-platform command-line tool for executing jobs in parallel
Version: 0.1.9
Author: Wei Shen <>
rush [flags] [command] [args of command...]
1. simple run, quoting is not necessary
$ seq 1 10 | rush echo {}
2. keep order
$ seq 1 10 | rush 'echo {}' -k
3. timeout
$ seq 1 | rush 'sleep 2; echo {}' -t 1
4. retry
$ seq 1 | rush 'python' -r 3
5. dirname & basename & remove suffix
$ echo dir/file_1.txt.gz | rush 'echo {/} {%} {^_1.txt.gz}'
dir file.txt.gz dir/file
6. basename without last or any extension
$ echo dir.d/file.txt.gz | rush 'echo {.} {:} {%.} {%:}'
dir.d/file.txt dir.d/file file.txt file
7. job ID, combine fields and other replacement strings
$ echo 12 file.txt dir/s_1.fq.gz | rush 'echo job {#}: {2} {2.} {3%:^_1}'
job 1: file.txt file s
8. capture submatch using regular expression
$ echo read_1.fq.gz | rush 'echo {@(.+)_\d}'
9. custom field delimiter
$ echo a=b=c | rush 'echo {1} {2} {3}' -d =
a b c
10. custom record delimiter
$ echo a=b=c | rush -D "=" -k 'echo {}'
$ echo abc | rush -D "" -k 'echo {}'
11. assign value to variable, like "awk -v"
$ seq 1 | rush 'echo Hello, {fname} {lname}!' -v fname=Wei -v lname=Shen
Hello, Wei Shen!
12. preset variable (Macro)
# equal to: echo read_1.fq.gz | rush 'echo {:^_1} {:^_1}_2.fq.gz'
$ echo read_1.fq.gz | rush -g -v p={:^_1} 'echo {p} {p}_2.fq.gz'
read read_2.fq.gz
13. save successful commands to continue in NEXT run
$ seq 1 3 | rush 'sleep {}; echo {}' -c -t 2
[INFO] ignore cmd #1: sleep 1; echo 1
[ERRO] run cmd #1: sleep 2; echo 2: time out
[ERRO] run cmd #2: sleep 3; echo 3: time out
More examples:
-v, --assign stringSlice assign the value val to the variable var (format: var=val, val also supports replacement strings)
-c, --continue continue jobs. NOTES: 1) successful commands are saved in file (given by flag -C/--succ-cmd-file); 2) if the file does not exist, rush saves data so we can continue jobs next time; 3) if the file exists, rush ignores jobs in it and update the file
--dry-run print command but not run
-d, --field-delimiter string field delimiter in records, support regular expression (default "\s+")
-i, --infile stringSlice input data file, multi-values supported
-j, --jobs int run n jobs in parallel (default value depends on your device) (default 4)
-k, --keep-order keep output in order of input
-n, --nrecords int number of records sent to a command (default 1)
-o, --out-file string out file ("-" for stdout) (default "-")
-D, --record-delimiter string record delimiter (default is "
") (default "
-J, --records-join-sep string record separator for joining multi-records (default is "
") (default "
-r, --retries int maximum retries (default 0)
--retry-interval int retry interval (unit: second) (default 0)
-e, --stop-on-error stop all processes on first error(s)
-C, --succ-cmd-file string file for saving successful commands (default "successful_cmds.rush")
-t, --timeout int timeout of a command (unit: second, 0 for no timeout) (default 0)
-T, --trim string trim white space ("
") in input (available values: "l" for left, "r" for right, "lr", "rl", "b" for both side)
--verbose print verbose information
-V, --version print version information and check for update
比較重要的參數有 -D、-k、-T。
在 Windows 上使用只要用 echo 將參數透過 pipline 送進 rush,如有多個參數,rush 可用 -D 帶入分隔符號,透過 pipline 帶入 rush 的參數即會用設定的分隔符號切割帶入 rush 後面設定的命令,命令的中要使用參數的部分可用 {} 替代。
echo <Param1><Seperater><Param2>[...] | rush -D "<Seperater>" "<Command>"
像是上圖這樣調用,rush 後面接的是 echo 命令,所以 rush 會幫我們併發列出帶入的參數,也就是併發列出 c: 與 d:,執行完成的順序並無固定。
如果要控制完成的順序,可加帶 -k 參數。
echo <param1><seperater><param2>[...] | rush -D "<seperater>" -k "<command>"
這樣的工具能幫我們併發做很多事情,像是透過 Web Deploy 並行停止遠端的站台。
echo <Site1>,<Site2> | rush -D "," -T "lr" "msdeploy -verb:sync -source:runcommand -dest:runcommand='%windir%\system32\inetsrvppcmd.exe stop apppool /{}',computerName=<IPAddress>,waitinterval=10000"