Brahma Command Line Parser
/* Simple commandline argument parser written by Ananth B. */ static class CommandLine { public class Switch // Class that encapsulates switch data. { public Switch(string name, Action<IEnumerable<string>> handler, string shortForm) { Name = name; Handler = handler; ShortForm = shortForm; }
public Switch(string name, Action<IEnumerable<string>> handler)
Name = name;
Handler = handler;
ShortForm = null;
public string Name
private set;
public string ShortForm
private set;
public Action<IEnumerable<string>> Handler
private set;
public int InvokeHandler(string[] values)
return 1;
/* The regex that extracts names and comma-separated values for switches
in the form (<switch>[="value 1",value2,...])+ */
private static readonly Regex ArgRegex =
new Regex(@"(?<name>[^=\s]+)=?((?<quoted>\""?)(?<value>(?(quoted)[^\""]+|[^,]+))\""?,?)*",
RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant |
RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
private const string NameGroup = "name"; // Names of capture groups
private const string ValueGroup = "value";
public static void Process(this string[] args, Action printUsage, params Switch[] switches)
/* Run through all matches in the argument list and if any of the switches
match, get the values and invoke the handler we were given. We do a Sum()
here for 2 reasons; a) To actually run the handlers
and b) see if any were invoked at all (each returns 1 if invoked).
If none were invoked, we simply invoke the printUsage handler. */
if ((from arg in args
from Match match in ArgRegex.Matches(arg)
from s in switches
where match.Success &&
((string.Compare(match.Groups[NameGroup].Value, s.Name, true) == 0) ||
(string.Compare(match.Groups[NameGroup].Value, s.ShortForm, true) == 0))
select s.InvokeHandler(match.Groups[ValueGroup].Value.Split(','))).Sum() == 0)
printUsage(); // We didn't find any switches
static void Command1(IEnumerable<string> args)
static void printUsage()
} </pre>
args.Process(printUsage,new CommandLine.Switch []{
new CommandLine.Switch ("-MessageBox",MessageBoxCommand,"-mbx"),
new CommandLine.Switch ("-ConsoleWriteLine",ConsoleWriteLineCommand,"-cw")
static void printUsage()
Console.WriteLine("-MessageBox or -mbx: 彈出對話方塊");
Console.WriteLine("-ConsoleWriteLine or -cw: 顯示主控台訊息");
static void MessageBoxCommand(IEnumerable<string> args)
static void ConsoleWriteLineCommand(IEnumerable<string> args)
} </pre>